Aptly - Debian repository management tool. Aptly Synonyms, Aptly Antonyms, Thesaurus. com. Aptly - Dictionary Definition: Vocabulary. com.
Aptly - Wiktionary. Drake Just Dropped The Most Aptly Named Surprise Album In Music.

Aptly is a swiss army knife for Debian repository management: it allows you to mirror remote aptly snapshot diff matches package versions in snapshots. Adverb[edit]. aptly (comparative more aptly, superlative most aptly). In an apt or suitable manner. fitly. properly. pertinently. appropriately. readily. 18 Hours ago An album-length (or is it a mixtape) batch of songs "If You're Reading This It's Too Late" was out on iTunes before you knew it existed. 0 Notes.
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Synonyms for aptly at Thesaurus. com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day. The word aptly describes an action that's done appropriately or fittingly. An audience's standing ovation might aptly capture its enthusiasm for a rock band's.
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Aptly - English-French Dictionary WordReference. com. Use aptly in a sentence, aptly sentence examples. How to use aptly in a sentence. Example sentences with the word aptly. aptly example sentences.
Words Aptly Spoken: Children's Literature. Apt - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
APTly Spoken Blog, National Apartment Association.
Writing article: the name of the product line was aptly "President's Choice" (does that Could only think of one word that could aptly convey the meaning. "Aptly". Aptly - traduction anglais-francais. Forums pour discuter de aptly, voir ses formes composees, des exemples et poser vos questions. Gratuit. I was sitting in a morning meeting a few weeks ago, a mere half-hour after dropping a very large spoonful of oatmeal on my pants, thinking, “How did they let me.
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