Ordinance - Merriam-Webster Online. Ordinance - Wiktionary. Ordinance - definition of ordinance by The Free Dictionary.
Jury reaches mixed verdict in equal rights ordinance trial - Houston. ordinance - kaannos suomeksi - bab. la Englanti-Suomi sanakirja.

Noun or·di·nance \?rd-nn(t)s, ?r-d-nn(t)s\.: a law or regulation made by a city or town government. One of our all-time favorite lists: 10 Charming Words. 22 Hours ago The city claimed victory Friday when the jury in the trial surrounding Houston's equal rights ordinance found that the law's opponents submitted. Kaannos sanalle 'ordinance' ilmaisessa englanti-suomi-sanakirjassa, ja monia muita suomenkielisia kaannoksia.
Ordinance englannista suomeksi - Sanakirja. org (englanti-suomi)
English[edit]. Wikipedia has an article on: Ordinance ordinance (plural ordinances). a local law, an edict or decree. a religious practice or ritual prescribed by. A custom or practice established by long usage. 3. A Christian rite, especially the Eucharist. 4. A statute or regulation, especially one enacted by a municipal.
Avalon Project - Northwest Ordinance; July 13, 1787
Ordinance Synonyms, Ordinance Antonyms, Thesaurus. com. Town Ordinance - Animal Crossing Wiki. The Town Ordinance is one of the improvement options the player has as mayor in their town in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. The other role is the ability to create.
GREEN RIVER ORDINANCE LYRICS - Endlessly - A-Z Lyrics. Northwest Ordinance - Library of Congress.
PRS, Download, Recent Ordinances.
Northwest Ordinance: Primary Documents of American History (Virtual Services and Programs, Digital Reference Section, Library of Congress). Synonyms for ordinance at Thesaurus. com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day. Recent Ordinances. The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Ordinance, 2015 (816.31 KB ). The Motor Vehicles (Amendment).
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